Pest Police
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At Pest Police Australia, we make every effort to make it simpler for you to access the information you need.

We have been helping our Melbourne and surrounding area residents and businesses with pest control needs, including Cockroaches Control and Termites Control, for nearly two decades.

We have strong convictions about the benefits of the pest control sector to our community, economy, and agriculture. We approach pest management holistically and are dedicated to providing a highly competent service that offers both our residential and commercial clients tangible benefits.

In this post, we share with you the answers to the most frequently asked questions we have encountered throughout our years of experience in the pest control industry.

We are aware that there are numerous misrepresentations and myths about pest control. Therefore, below, we will provide you with a list of factual and unbiased information that will assist you in reaching a fair judgement concerning pest management.

FAQs About Termites

FAQ # 1 – Are White Ants Different From Termites?

No. Even though termites are not ants at all, they are frequently referred to as white ants. The only similarities between termites and ants are that both are insects and that worker termites are white in colour.

FAQ # 2 – Does My Home or Contents Insurance Cover Termite Damage?

No. All insurance companies often exclude termites (vermin) from home and contents insurance. They decline to provide coverage because the danger of termite damage is so great. It is important to review your own policies.

FAQ # 3 – Why Should I Hire A Pest Controller To Conduct Termite Inspection?

If you don’t know what to look for, where to look, or haven’t had much experience, detecting termites really isn’t that simple. Pest control specialists have received training in termite detection and have expertise in assessing a wide range of homes.

The first indication of termites is frequently delayed until there has been severe damage to cabinets, flooring, or even wall/roof timbers in homes that have not undergone termite inspections.

FAQ # 4 –  Which Termite Treatment Do I Require?

Your pest control specialist can determine the best termite treatment or protection method for you. The specialist cannot give you a definitive answer until the inspection is complete because it will depend on the severity of the problem and other factors.

FAQ # 5 – Is ‘Do It Yourself’ Termite Control an Option?

DIY termite control or DIY termite treatment is not recommended since termite identification is a crucial component of effective termite control. DIY termite traps are ineffective because they risk causing termites to reroute and attack another part of your house. 

Our Pest Police specialists have the knowledge and training to assess whether the termites are a threat to you and suggest the best course of action.

FAQs About Bees & Wasps

FAQ # 1 – How Can I Differentiate Wasps From Bees?

The physical differences between bees and wasps are the simplest method to tell them apart; bees have black legs and rounder bodies, whilst wasps have yellow or orange legs and a slender shape.

FAQ # 2 – How Long Does It Take for Treated Wasps to Die?

As some wasps may not be in the hive when the treatment is administered, it may take up to seven days to completely destroy the hive. However, any leftover residue will instantly kill any returning  wasps.

FAQ # 3 – Is It Possible to Take the Hive Away From My Property Without Harming the Bees?

An apiarist (beekeeper) might be able to remove the hive without harming the bees if it is easily accessible, such as hanging from a tree or other structure.

FAQ # 4 – Do I Have to Leave My Home When the Treatment Is Being Administered?

You are not required to leave your property when treating wasps. However, it is advised that you and your pets stay away from the nest area for about 24 hours.

FAQ # 5 – Is There Anything I Need to Do Before or After the Treatment?

It would be helpful if you could let our technician know where the hive is before we send someone out to treat wasps. After seven days, you can remove any dust outside. 

FAQs About Rodents

FAQ # 1 – What Symptoms Indicate That I Have Rodents in My House?

Droppings, rub marks along baseboards and walls, the smell of ammonia, chew marks on wood or wires, scratching noises inside the walls, and real rodent sightings are some common indications of a rodent infestation.

FAQ # 2 – Why Are There Rodents in My Home?

Mice are drawn to your house because it is a warm, secure environment where they may build nests and give birth to their offspring. Additionally, they are always searching for the kinds of food sources accessible in your house. They are commensal organisms, which means they receive benefits from people but do not give anything back.

FAQ # 3 – Can I Get Sick From Coming in Contact With a Rodent?

Mice can transmit up to 35 different diseases through their urine or droppings, including salmonella and the hantavirus. Additionally, allergic reactions from rodent droppings might aggravate respiratory problems. 

They can excrete up to 25,000 faecal pellets annually, and if the droppings get into contact with your food preparation or storage facilities, you and your family could become ill. They may also bring mites, ticks, or fleas into your house, which may lead to the transmission of diseases.

FAQ # 4 – How Can I Get Rid of Rodents in My Home?

The simplest and most effective approach to getting rid of an infestation is through professional rodent control. Since mice and rats reproduce quickly, DIY pest control is not advised because it is challenging to keep up with growing rodent populations.  

Our rodent control services are the most efficient long-term way to eliminate rodents.

FAQ # 5 – How Much Does It Cost to Get Rid of Rodents in My House?

The cost of rodent treatment will vary based on the extent of the infestation, the size of the property, and whether it is a residential or commercial facility.

Commercial buildings may need ongoing treatment to guarantee pests are eradicated and to keep them from returning. The cost of rodent infestations in homes varies according to the size of the property, the number of treatments necessary, and any further treatments you may require.

FAQs About Ants

FAQ # 1 – Do I Need to Take Any Specific Action Before Getting My Home Treated for Ants?

We advise clearing out all food left in and around the house, alerting our professionals to any ant nests or problem areas you are aware of, trimming down trees and bushes around the house’s perimeter, and covering any fish ponds, fish tanks, and food before having your house treated for ants.

FAQ # 2 – How Frequently Should I Treat My Home for Ants?

The severity of your ant problem is a major factor. In general, treatment should be carried out once a year. Our technician will be able to advise you on how frequently your home will need to be treated to get the best results.

FAQ # 3 – How long will it take for the treatment to start working?

The full effects of the treatment can take up to two weeks. Although not all ants will be wiped out, the treatment will help control them.

FAQ # 4 – Do I Need to Leave My Property While the Treatment Is Being Done?

As soon as our professionals come, you must leave your home. It is advised that you stay away from the area for 4-6 hours to allow the chemical to dry.

FAQ # 5 – Is the Treatment Safe for My Loved Ones and Pets?

To ensure that the pesticides have enough time to dry completely, please heed all instructions on the time you must spend away from your property. To get rid of ants, skilled experts from Pest Police use safe, modern pesticides.

FAQs About Roaches

FAQ # 1 – Why Do Cockroaches Keep Invading My Home?

Cockroaches like eating as much as people do. They will happily eat whatever bit of food they can reach, whether it is food spilt on the floor, food in a trash can, or leftover filthy dishes. 

It is advised to make sure your kitchen and eating areas are cleaned frequently to prevent cockroach infestation.

FAQ # 2 – How Successful Are Baits in Getting Rid of Cockroaches?

When properly positioned, cockroach baits are an efficient approach to getting rid of cockroaches. In order to successfully treat an infestation, this method requires that every cockroach in a population consume the bait.

To prevent infestation, you should use baits with other management measures, such as crack and void treatments.

FAQ # 3 – What Does It Mean When I See Cockroaches During Daytime?

Unless there are rare occurrences, you may be certain that your home is infested if you notice cockroaches during the day. Cockroaches like to stay indoors during the day. When their hiding places are overcrowded or desperately searching for food, they are compelled to leave. Both of them are detrimental to your house.

FAQ # 4 – Are Cockroaches Harmful?

Cockroaches are not only disgusting—no one enjoys the idea of their kitchen being overrun with them. In reality, they could be harmful to human health. Numerous bacteria, including Salmonella and E. coli, are known to be carried by cockroaches. 

These microbes can infect humans through contaminated food, leading to life-threatening sickness. Cockroaches can also cause allergic responses and asthma in those with sensitive immune systems.

FAQ # 5 – How Do I Get Rid of Cockroaches?

Although many DIY treatments are available off the market at nearby shopping centres, professional treatment is frequently the most efficient approach to getting rid of cockroaches in your home.

Stay Informed with Pest Police!

There you have it!

Remember that the longer you wait to take action for pest treatments, the more severe infestation can become. Additionally, it might take several treatments to terminate whatever pests have set up camp in your home or property. 

It doesn’t take long for a few pests to become widespread infestations. Fortunately, you can stop pests from taking over your home and garden. All you have to do is call Pest Police Australia for fast and effective pest control services.

Contact us now about your Melbourne area pest control situation!